Shiatsu therapy gently & effectively helps to realign your bone structure, joints, tendons & muscles.. A shiatsu therapist may use thumbs, fingers, palms, elbows, knees and even feet to apply pressure to specific points along meridians - invisible channels beneath the skin.

Shiatsu is a grounding and rejuvenating treatment for the mind, body and spirit. Through visual energetic scanning and hara diagnosis, subtle imbalances are diagnosed before treatment begins. Often Shiatsu will be on a futon or low couch given through loose, comfortable, warm clothes ideally natural fibres. Although Shiatsu is a contact therapy, it is through cloth not directly on the skin as with other forms of massage. The skin has a different energy so treatment through clothing allows for deeper energy work.
Shiatsu therapy gently & effectively helps to realign your bone structure, joints, tendons & muscles.. A shiatsu therapist may use thumbs, fingers, palms, elbows, knees and even feet to apply pressure to specific points along meridians - invisible channels beneath the skin. Stretches and rotations are used to help loosen the joints and limbs and open-up the energy channels.
Palming, thumbs and fingers are all used to stimulate blood circulation and lymphatic flow around the patient's body, gently freeing and releasing stagnant energy and blood in the energy channels felt through the skin and muscles.

Shiatsu therapy works by removing blockages in the energy channels. There are the meridian lines through which our chi- energy flows. There are 12 extended meridians which connect the lungs, heart, spleen, liver, gall bladder, kidney and bladder, small intestine and large intestine. The aim is to get the chi flowing evenly throughout the energy channels, bringing our mind-body-spirit back into internal balance.
Similar to Acupuncture and Acupressure, Shiatsu re-balances our vital energy which determines our day-to-day energy levels, our vitality and our immunity - our resistance to disease. Shiatsu & Acupressure help stimulate circulation, improve our immune system, reduce stress levels and treat specific body aches and pains. The aim of shiatsu massage is to re-balance our qi energy, which strengthens our vitality and our immunity.